Monday, July 18, 2011

Nielson Poll: Gillard/Labour at all time low

Sky News, A subsidiary service of Murdoch's News Limited, has pushed the results of a Nielson Poll which shows the Labor Government with a primary vote of just 26% support.  Missing from the Sky publication is the number polled and the relevant details that back up the poll.  There is no doubt that the Gillard Government is languishing in the polls as Labor is under sustained attack by the Murdoch press. A campaign of misinformation and lies from the media itself.  The Government’s Carbon Tax is not the solution to global warming BUT it is heading in the right direction. It will shift the economic balance using market forces towards developing a more sustainable and technological  energy sector. Which in the long term will provide significant benefits to Australia and the environment.  We all suffer by pollution and anything that can shift the balance away from the polluters towards renewal of better technology will in the long term produced more benefits.  It is an investment into our future.

The Government cannot afford to lose this debate. It is the right course of action. Gillard must continue to stay the course and not pander to the media campaign to destabilise Australia's government.

1 comment:

scarlet reynolds said...

Your article is a must read topic. Brilliantly you've shared a very good idea to ponder regarding the verdict on the Gillard government's carbon tax. In fact, I don 't see any point in of driving up prices and then giving people compensation to cover the increases. The problem is still the same and still no definite solution for the human kind.

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